Monday, July 6, 2015

Gettysburg, July 8 (Wednesday), 1863

[By] Ward, W.C., Pvt., Co. G, 4th Alabama Regt., Little Round Top, Gettysburg, Pa.

Notwithstanding these terrible dark days, some things occurred hat meant light in the gloom. Not long after the retreat of Ge. Lee--one sad, terrible day as we lay under the tent fly--a shadow of a women fell over us; and, looking up, we saw a handsome young woman, whose kind and intelligent face expressed gentleness and sympathy. She called to a sister, who was not far off and who rapidly came to where we lay. We soon knew them as Misses Mary and Sally Witherrow, whose home was in Gettysburg.

They had heard that out in the fields, behind the line of battle, a large number of Confederate wounded were lying. Miss Mary Witherrow, with different young women at different times, came out to see us, sometimes bringing little delicacies; and one time she brought a bottle marked "Madeira Wine," and with it there was some cut-loaf sugar.

When my comrade, Smith,had bled so nearly to death and looked like the pale marble of death, I gave him quite freely of that bottle of whiskey. Whatever else I may forget, I will remember that bottled marked, "Madeira Wine . . ."

Sourced from: "Civil War Medicine: Care & Comfort of the Wounded" by Robert E. Denney


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