Monday, May 2, 2016

Valerian Root

By Littlestown, 6-14-13

During the Civil War, valerian root extract was widely prescribed as a mild sedative for use as an antispasmodic and anticonvulsant. It was a staple on the U.S. Army Medical Supply Table used in the treatment of epilepsy, spasmodic cough, indigestion, hysteria, and neuralgia.

Valerian was valued as a "one-doser" cure. After one dose of the foul smelling and tasting medicine, even if the patient did not get better, they said so, just to avoid being dosed a second time.

Valerian was prepared in teas by steeping a half a teaspoonful in a mug of boiling water. It is said that a sip will gag a buzzard!



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