Saturday, May 4, 2013

Remarks on Dentistry in the Army

By Wm. B. Roberts, M.D. Of New York

June 29, 1861
It is well known to the dental profession that all the diseases common to teeth can not only be cured, but may be prevented by proper and timely treatment. After having thus enumerated the evils appertaining to a defective condition of the teeth, a condition which experience has found to exist among the army to an extraordinary extent, and having shown the importance of such diseased condition being avoided and changed to aid in establishing a proper sanitary condition among these men who risk their lives for their country's service, and have neither time, means, nor opportunity for themselves discharging their duty in this respect; we desire to urge upon the proper authorities, that a corps of dentists, or dental staff, should be attached to the United States army, similarly organized with the surgical department, who would act in connexion with, and as an efficient aid to, that department, besides performing their own duties in a proper manner

Holding this to be a great sanitary measure, as well as an economical and humane movement in behalf of those affected by it, we would especially offer these suggestions to our "Sanitary Commission," believing that in the scope of their noble field of labor there could not be performed a more important act, than the procuring of the passage of a bill through Congress at the approaching session, which should incorporate into the army an efficient DENTAL staff, strengthened with all the powers necessary to enable it to become most serviceable to the cause of health.

Excerpted from an article in the June 29, 1861 issue of the American Medical Times.

Learn more about Civil War Dentists at


Do you own the original copy of 29 June, 1861 - The American Medical Times? I am looking for another article in the same issue.
Regards Terry

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